Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Revival is breaking out around the world and manifesting in the USA!  In West Virginia there was a spurt for eight weeks.  Now in North Carolina there is an outbreak that was started as a one-week 'revival' at a church that has continued for eight weeks and had to move from the church house to a tent (bigger than the one I have) that is seeing 2500 to 3000+ every night and had a youth night which saw 5000 in attendance!  God is on the move and drawing many to Himself.  Whet your appetite for His Word and His Presence.  Focus on His Presence and you will experience His presents.  Give Him glory for everything!

Monday, May 23, 2016

God is not done with us or you or this world.  I don't know what the next step in our adventure with Him is, but I wait eagerly to take that step on out trail to heaven.  I REALLY want to go there but am in no hurry as I have a sense there is much to be done before we reach our final destination.  I am continuing to focus on researching our Hebraic Christian roots.  I am constantly amazed how much the New Testament (Brit Hadashah) is based on and reveals/explains the Old Testament (Tenach).  It is amazing how much more than 'peace' is wrapped up in 'shalom' - a total welfare package, if you will.